Gali Arad Haase

Gali Arad Haase


Gali, a patent attorney with the firm, is an experienced patent attorney with over 10 years of experience. With extensive academic background in chemistry and PHD in biocehmistry, Gali utilizes her academic and practical background to advise clients on patent issues, including patent drafting and prosecution, patent related opinions, IP due diligence, patent litigation support and pertinent patent counselling. Among others, Gali has vast experience in handling patent applications related to antibodies, polypeptides, peptides, nucleic acid constructs and patents related to methods for screening, detection, diagnosis and treatment, as wel as preparing and handling applications for patent term extension.


2005-2008 - Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biological Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science

1999-2005 - Ph.D. in Biochemistry, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

1997-1999 - M.Sc. in Chemistry, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

1994-1997 - B.Sc. in Chemistry, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem -Summa cum Laude

Previous Experience

2010-2020 - Patent Attorney, Reinhold Cohn and Partners